Best Weekend Meals

Here are some of the best foods made by Americans.

The food will make you feel great.

The moment you eat it, you feel as happy as you would on a Saturday night.

It’s a hamburger.

Wait, wait, wait, I am serious.

In fact, Jules from “Pulp Fiction” also loves this food.

Hamburgers are not good for you, but you should eat them.

First of all, if you don’t like hamburgers, this article isn’t for you.

Let’s talk about the hamburger made by the genius that is the American people.

Those who are on a daily diet need to have a cheat day once a week.

Eating a hamburger every day is not good for your health, but a weekly pace can help you manage stress and increase your metabolism.

My recommendation is to drink sparkling water with a greasy hamburger.You will finish your meal feeling refreshed.

The King of Japanese Food

Have you ever heard of a health food made from rotten soybeans?


Natto (fermented soybeans) is the best gut health food in East Asia, along with kimchi.

Japanese people eat natto every day, not sushi.

You may not like it at first, thinking it is rotten soybeans, but after a few bites it will become your favorite.

Just like a teacher you dislike turns into a mentor.